Inner Whispers – Episode 285 – 10/3/23

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world. On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.
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  1. Aymee Miranda says

    Dear Veronica: I heard that if you’re an avid animal lover/caretaker it’s most likely due to being a cruel abuser in a past life and you’re trying to compensate in this life to balance your karma, is that true? My baby Flea escaped in 2020 and I feel this is a harsh lesson to learn from a previous abandonment or poor treatment of animals previously in my path.

  2. Aymee Miranda says

    Dear Veronica: seems like every other podcast now days talks about Bigfoot and there are endless stories of people seeing these creatures. Can you confirm if they actually exist or did humans make them up just like tons of other cryptids. I am fascinated by them and would like to know for sure.

  3. Hi Veronica
    With all the war that keeps springing up every 5 minutes how can I use my energy to assist.
    Thanks for all you do.

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