Inner Whispers – Episode 317 – 7/23/24

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world. On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.
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  1. Veronica: a few questions following last weeks podcast regarding the ET phenomenon:

    –You mentioned that 99% of all energies from other planets are benevolent; what’s the other 1%?

    –In many accounts, those taken involuntarily aboard a craft who have been subjected to invasive exams, have said to their abductors ‘you have no right,’ to which the reply often is ‘we DO have a right.’ What does that mean?

    –Many experiencers who have come in contact with either an ET or a strange craft, relate a marked increase of various sorts of paranormal activity in their lives–why is that? What is the common denominator?

    Thanks for your always interesting and insightful answers!

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