Inner Whispers – Episode 300 – 2/6/24

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world. On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.
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  1. Hello Veronica, I have a new little dog Banjo that I was certain was a special dog that had come back and you had verified that. I’m now wondering if he is also a conduit for a number of my past dogs to come through and visit when they want. I find myself thinking of any number of different dogs sometimes when we are together. Is this a possibility or do they stick with just a few blends? Thank you.

  2. Hi April, Toni and Veronica,
    Do oppressive institutions and perhaps countries incur Karma? So many previously unassailable institutions appear to be crumbling or transforming (Thankfully)

    But does all balancing that needs to occur happen on the individual level? That is, is there such a thing as group Karma, for instance the demeaning patriarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. What is in store for the people in power or this groups such as these? Thank you!

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