Inner Whispers – Episode 291 – 11/14/23

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world. On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.
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  1. Hi Veronica
    Please give us idiots guide to Dimensions. Really appreciate all you do from the bottom to the top of my being.

  2. Dear Veronica,

    If we choose not to incarnate on the earth plane anymore, how do clear our karmic debt with souls
    who have decided to return to earth?

    Thank you,

  3. Susan A Flow says

    Hi Toni, Veronica and April. Thank you for this continuing progam. I find it very valuable. I have recently raised two cats to young adulthood. Both seem to have a strong emotional and behavioral connection with previous felines that I have had. I also have a mare who has returned to me from earlier in this lifetime. Qwestions: Do our pets often return from previous lifetimes? April do you know if any of your pets come from previous lives? How long do these connections generally go on?

  4. My husband passed recently, and my daughters and I have felt that he has helped us in so many ways. Is he helping us?

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