Inner Whispers – Episode 206 – 10/19/21

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world. On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.

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  1. Toni, your cat is probably upset that you went away ( visiting April). She’s giving you
    the cold shoulder! Just reassure her that your trips are temporary, and that you
    will always be back!

  2. Toni,
    Cats are tricky. They teach you about love. The fact that she snuggles with you while you’re sleeping means she loves you the most.

  3. Dear Veronica-
    I believe you mentioned that for spirit, all our lives happen at once. I can’t help but wonder what is “next”?

  4. Jill Harriman says

    So my question is about the “Grays”.
    Is there such a species here to take out the human race.
    I find some of this true, a species called the grays, but does evil intentions
    Happen in the Universe, or on Earth.
    I find it hard to swallow that something can whip out ” humankind”,
    When humankind is only temporary.
    So could u address this?

  5. Susan Ann Flow says

    Toni, one of my cats took 4 years come around to wanting to spend time with me. I saved him from our barn and he attached himself first to my husband. Eventually though it became me who he sat on while watching TV, snuggled into in the bed with etc. Give Q time and space and I bet after she explores everyone else, she will choose you. Like you, I felt broken hearted for a while. Don’t give up!

  6. Toni Sipka says

    Thank you for your advice. I Will remember your words
    When I feel hurt.
    This gives me hope.
    Much hugs Toni

  7. Shayne Cranswick says

    Good day April and Toni…

    I would like to know…are there in fact …signs of being an old or mature soul…

    Thank you


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