As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world. On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.
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Veronica ,
What happens during sleep paralysis ? My son experiences that a lot and wonders why ?
Thank you
Hi Sylvia,
I do not, and would not, ever speak for VERONICA. However, I can say that in my case, I got started with my entire interest in metaphysics well before I ever heard of channeling. That start was the direct result of spontaneous out of body experiences, that at the time, scared me a lot. In essence, I thought I was dying.
After finally getting the courage (at the time many years ago) to even buy a book on out of body experiences by Robert Monroe, I realized that I wanted to do what he was able to do. That is, have fully conscious out of body experiences intentionally. I put a great deal of focus time and effort into it and was finally able to do it about once a week with trying intently seven days a week at nite and during many lunch times. Given my nature, of course I studied the experiences.
My personal opinion based upon MY experiences, is that many if not all sleep paralysis, sometime called “night terrors” are related to the beginnings of an out of body experience. The paralysis occurs, at least in my experience, as a result of not knowing HOW to move. In the beginning I was essentially out of body, fully awake, but unable to move out and around the house because I was trying to move physically as usual. Basically, what it took was to learn how to move by thinking to move rather than trying to physically move. It is a difficult thing to do because one is fully conscious and awake, and in my case at first I thought I had just woken up. Once I finally got out, after crying out for help from y guides, I loved the experience, and it was incredible.
If interested, your son may like reading Robert Monroe’s book “Journeys Out of Body”. It helped me lose my fear. But the book that I found most helpful in actually doing this on purpose is a book about OBE’s by a relatively unknown author named Scott Rogo.
Now, everyone is an individual. Here I am relating MY personal experiences. If VERONICA replies to your question in this venue, she may talk specifically about your son’s experiences which could be different than mine. Or, she may address the more general sleep paralysis and night terror experience. Also, note, there are many questions that come in from various sources and there are a number of other projects that we are constantly working on in addition to many hours of personal readings that April makes herself available for every week. So, no promises about when or if your question will be addressed. However, this is a subject that I as an individual have a particular interest in.
~ Allen
Allen: that is fascinating! This sheds a whole new light on an experience I had as a kid. I was around thirteen years old and awoke once in the middle of the night paralyzed–I couldn’t move, and was terrified. This happened a few nights in a row, and in addition to the paralysis, I heard odd noises–knocks and raps. Eventually, the phenomenon subsided, life resumed as normal, and it was forgotten about. Not until reading your post did I make the connection that duh–maybe it was somehow related to an OOBE!
I’ve read all of Robert Monroe’s books, and once I saw your comment I remembered that he too experienced loud raps and noises during his initial forays into the astral. (I never did make it ‘out-of-body’–almost, but after listening to the tapes and immersing myself in the technique, the vibrations that Robert Monroe described began to happen–I got a bit freaked out and bailed.)
The phenomenon still interests me, and perhaps one day I’ll overcome that natural fear of being away from my physical body. And, I will reread Scott Rogo’s book, as well.
If you’re so inclined, I (and no doubt anyone participating in this forum) would love to hear more about your OOBE experiences. Thanks for sharing!
Many ,many thanks Allen for all the years of your fantastic work and for answering my question. I definitely would love my son to talk to VERONICA . Thank you. Sylvia
Just a few questions,
1. Are there any moments of forgetfulness in the non-linear?
2. I’ve noticed animals, and aliens communicate telepathically, is this in the future for humans?
3. Are aliens soulful beings or are they artificial intelligence?
Toni, I’m so sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. I send you sincere condolensces.
Thank you Susan. I appreciate it.
I know she is so much happier now.
Have you incarnated on a planet other than Earth? If yes, in which one and how did it go?
Thank you