Inner Whispers – Episode 180 – 4/13/21

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world. On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.

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  1. mark dolph says

    Thank you April Crawford for the selfless sharing.

    i would like to question the Veronicas’ about the 7 archetypes we all choose from for ourselves. i have wondered alot about this, feeling that there has to be a connection amongst the seven, as a creative guy, i don’t feel like i am only an Artist ( if i am ), i see a resemblance with the seed of life diagram, and have come to the idea that the center of this seed is our personnel archetype, surrounded by the other six in some way. Would you mind elaborating on this idea.

  2. April, I love your tree story! Would you happen to know how plants react to someone having a green thumb? I only ask because apparently I have a green thumb. I’m growing my own veggies and they are blossoming.

    Veronica, what do you think of your listeners?


  3. Veronica: I’ve heard you say that many animals are more highly evolved than humans–does this include domesticated animals that are more aggressive by nature? Are unprovoked acts of aggression somehow helping them evolve?

    Thank you.

  4. Veronica , you’ve said that many of us , your listeners are healers .
    Do you mean spiritual or physical healers ? Or is that almost the same ?
    Thank you , Sylvia

  5. Patti Mauck says

    I love your Podcasts and don’t ever miss listening to every one.
    In your answer to a question you mentioned we are “fragments.”
    If I am just a fragment of my soul, where is the rest of my soul?
    Is my soul composed of many fragments?
    Are my fragments composed of other soul’s fragments? Could one of my fragments be one of my cats?
    I believe we are all one in God. Did God create us this way or did we fragment ourselves?
    I have many questions. Thank you for your answers.

  6. Greg Rosenstock says

    Would you concur with a definition of time as being a series of present moment snapshots giving only the appearance of movement into a future, like a reel of single frames in a film?
    With thanks, as always, to you and all the team at Inner Whispers,


  7. Veronica,

    What should we do if we feel our soul is not on its path. How do we get it back on track.

    Thank you

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