Inner Whispers – Episode 79 – 3/26/19

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world. On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.

To consult with Veronica directly, inquire at


  1. Veronica,

    You said everything is made up of energy and energy has different frequencies.

    As souls living on the earth plane, how can we find out for ourselves what frequency we are vibrating at? What is the highest vibration a human can have while living on earth?

    Thanks so much,

  2. April,

    Do you remember any of your past lives?

  3. Many, many people are deeply alarmed by the 5G Network that is being rolled out across the nation at this time. The implications for human health are very much in question about this military grade hardware. Could Veronica speak to this situation and let us know if she finds danger there for all of us.

  4. Veronica

    Does there come a time when we have learned all the lessons that our soul needs and we do not have to incarnate anymore. If so, then what?

    Also, I have read that when we have our life review it’s less about what we did, but more about how we made the other person feel. Is this true.

    Thank you.

  5. Veronica,
    How does one live a happy life?

  6. Veronica

    Would you please explain more about an evolutionary ascended moment mentioned in the last broadcast.

    Thank you.

  7. Veronica, Do angels sometimes talk to us in the form of a person? If not, are there other beings that can help us who look like a normal person? Thank you.

  8. Veronica,

    What happens to the soul of someone in coma for 3 years?
    What is the best thing we could do in this situation?

  9. Hi team inner whispers. What a great gift you are offering us thanks a bunch guy’s.
    Question for veronica if I may… other beings in the universe incarnate into a form just like humans. A form that has a start point and an end point.

    • Hi Veronica,
      You’ve mentioned some souls incarnate to help raise the vibration of this planet. Are these people doing extraordinary things with their lives? Can a soul come here with this intention and stumble along the way, be “crabby” at times and still help with this goal?

      Many thanks!
      Happy Spring, everyone!

  10. I find it interesting that only a limited category of questions are answered. Some important questions are totally ignored, why? I had the impression all questions are welcomed. What has changed?

    • Katie, “important” is a relative term. Regarding your impressions, see my earlier posts on how I choose questions that make the cut in this free limited time wide audience venue. Of course one can always book one on one direct calls with VERONICA and ask or discuss whatever is important to them.

      ~ Allen
      Facilitator for April Crawford and Executive Producer of this program

  11. Wilbert Stephenson says

    Question for Veronica:


    By interacting with us who are listening to this podcast are you depositing some spiritual energies that are raising our vibration, in our energy field?

  12. Veronica,

    I experienced 3 different energies within me, blissful energy, soulful energy, and an observer. Someone mentioned to me it’s the same as from the bible The Father, The son, and Holy Spirit. I don’t really know except what I experienced.
    Could you please explain each energy?

  13. Wilbert Stephenson says

    Observation from Veronica’s Answer:

    Veronica says that a corporation has a consciousness, which is made up of the combined total of the individual consciousnesses that are a part of that corporation – owners, management, and rank and file employees. This means that the behavior or misbehavior of a corporation is a reflection of the aggregate consciousness of the individuals that make up the corporation. I will have to sit and think this through. This has opened up quite a lot of things for me to considerawhile. The implications are staggering!

  14. Wilbert Stephenson says

    Question for Veronica:

    You said a corporation has a consciousness that reflects the collective consciousness of the individuals who make up that corporation. Does this principle hold true for a political party, a government, a nation, and a planet – such as Earth?

  15. Sharon Sword says


    You had mentioned in a previous show that we can stretch time. Can you go into more detail on how this can be accomplished?

    Thank you for all the knowledge that you share with us.

  16. Anonymous says

    Re: April’s slightly judgmental remark about how she doesn’t get people who post as Anonymous, well, I don’t get why that offends her. It surprises me that both she and Allen take issue with that, especially with all that Veronica says – and also Allen – about labels. A name is just a label. Why should it matter if I give my name or not? Isn’t the important thing here the question and whether it will elucidate and educate?

    The reason I didn’t put my name is because when I went to post a comment last week, I noticed something new: my comments were being moderated. I didn’t know if it was due to something I said or did earlier, so I wanted to disassociate myself and start with a “clean slate”.. which I think is a right we’re all entitled to, but that’s even beside the point. And I had noticed that an Anonymous got a question answered in that episode, before Allen even said anything, so I figured maybe it might help get one or more of my questions answered.

    I DO appreciate the knowledge that is shared here, but this forum and method of asking questions and not having them answered is a little exasperating. Maybe some kind of acknowledgment like, “Thanks for all your questions, but that’s all the time we have for today” would be better than the usual “That’s the end of our questions,” which is actually really dismissive. I mean, we are also participants in this whole process, aren’t we, so don’t we deserve some acknowledgment? Especially as Allen was almost begging for questions in earlier episodes.

    Yes, I am very well aware you are providing something very valuable and at a cost to you, monetary and otherwise, but (1) this is something you chose to provide, and (2) some, if not all, people who pose questions become invested in this energetically. And some of us even buy your books and support you that way. Nothing’s a one-way street. And frankly, I think if you’re going to provide a free service but have people feel crappy in the process, well, maybe you’re actually doing a disservice and maybe the method needs to change.

    Reading through the comments, it’s clear that there have been a good handful of people who have publicly stated their confusion, if not frustration, at why certain questions are “chosen” and some not. I actually wonder if the fact that there are more words to a question disqualifies it. In earlier episodes that Allen hosted, he addressed verbose questions and multiple questions from the same person, but now it seems the more simpler “catchy” ones are preferred.

    Anyway, I’ve kind of given up on being invested in asking any more questions. But thanks again. And I truly AM grateful to Veronica for questions of mine – and of course others – that have been answered

    • Personally, as one in favor of individuality, I am not attracted to those who hide behind the large group as do those who feel the need to post and hide behind the cowardly name of “anonymous”. We, as an example, use not just a screen name, but our real names.

      Also, for general information, I personally do not generally read long winded multi-paragraph posts, although they are certainly welcome as others may care to read or respond to them.

      Multiple pithy posts will be more effective. Just saying.

      As Executive producer who buys up all of the advertising spots for these episodes so they can be commercial free, I feel justified in setting some preferred parameters for posts on these free to listeners radio shows and podcasts, and in general complain about free offerings. Accordingly, i will no longer select “anonymous” posts for comment by VERONICA in this limited wide audience venue.

      BTW, we have many other things going on.

      Best wishes


  17. Veronica,
    Can you tell me who made the Nazca lines and for what reason? Also, why did the Inca leave Machu Picchu?

  18. Allen,

    First of all, thanks for calling me cowardly, both for posting under Anonymous and with a name that is actually not my own. That’s very big of you. But I hope you realize that a right to privacy is something everyone is entitled to, and there’s simply no way to know why one may choose to not reveal one’s true identity. And it’s actually wrong for you to judge, but somehow you’ve deemed yourself worthy of it. One would think a “spiritual” forum where true identity doesn’t HAVE to be provided is a safe forum, but I’ve learned my lesson.

    And to think that all the rest of us don’t have many other things going on.., well, that’s kind of sad of you. And of course it’s completely wrong. Executive Producer or not, lots of animals or not, constant mudslides or not, each of our lives is incredibly important to EACH of us, whether or not we live in Los Angeles and are in the entertainment industry. How about living in a country under constant threat of war, with bombs unexpectedly hitting various areas of one’s country, with our children who have to be soldiers to defend our country? How about those who have recently lost incredibly significant members of their family? Should I go on?

    Good for you for all of your constantly self-proclaimed accomplishments, tho! And as far as you not being attracted to “me” due to how I choose to identify myself, well, that’s sad that you need something as trivial as a name to be “attracted” to the actual question. One would think, with all the energy work you do, you would see the energy behind the question itself. Or maybe you actually think you see some kind of “cowardly” or other distasteful-to-you energy behind the question, so that’s why you reject it.. which then actually kind of sends the wrong message to the questioner, wouldn’t you think? Do you not think you have a responsibility even on a free forum? Allen, there is responsibility in every forum, free or not.

    As for longwinded – long live democracy, free speech, and freedom of expression. There are just some things, though, especially in a spiritual forum, that can’t be broken down into 10 words or less on the linear plane. Maybe you can appreciate that.

    What a shame. I was really getting so much out of this, and now I only regret spending money and time on your books and offerings, as you’ve made it so glaringly and offensively obvious my “contribution” is not welcome or valued.

    If I may be so humble to offer a suggestion. And profuse apologies – not – but it has to be longwinded. It would be REALLY helpful for us who ALSO have many other things going on (yep, its true!) if there would be something like a box on top of each of these screens where you set down your rules/guidelines so that people don’t have to go through the excruciating process of listening to all the previous episodes (around at least 11 hours now) and reading all the previous comments (which could take at least a full day) to see what has already been addressed and what is allowed and not allowed. As an Executive Producer, it seems only fitting, in your role, to set clear parameters in this way, to avoid people having to find out “the hard way” by being called a coward or going through rejection issues (yes, some of us still experience that here on the linear plane, believe it or not). Wouldn’t it just be easier and better to not accidentally offend someone and just simply say something like “Thanks for all your great questions, and they indeed are appreciated, but we simply have run out of time”? But it seems your drive-home message is that this forum is only for those who are concise and forcefully expressive (the definition of “pithy”), and, well, I guess it’s exclusionary in that sense. I don’t consider myself forcefully expressive and, no matter what characteristic you may attribute to that, I don’t consider that a fault.

    You misunderstand me for some reason. I did NOT complain about free offerings. On the contrary, I expressed gratitude. What I did was complain about the way people are led to participate in these free offerings. That’s TOTALLY different. Like I said, commenters and listeners also participate and I believe it would be respectful to them if you could set some ground rules AHEAD OF TIME and CLEARLY and SUCCINCTLY (maybe above every screen in bullet form or something) where everyone can consistently see it before they post. If your issue is that you prefer not to give participants the level of respect we give you, then that’s your prerogative, of course.

    Maybe you’d like me to do it for you:
    * All of your comments are welcome and appreciated, but only a select number of them may be selected due to limitations of time.
    * Questions about medical advice will not be addressed. We will not be held responsible in that way.
    * Topics that will result in overly controversial aftermath will not be addressed. (Of course, your wording).
    * Politics will not be addressed.
    * Predictions will not be provided.
    Again, just having it here on the comments for one episode is NOT helpful in the end.

    As an Executive Producer, maybe you’ve learned the valuable lesson that setting out ground rules FIRST, circumvents troubles down the road. I just think the fact that some people get offended, and the fact that there have already been negative exchanges, is enough to warrant setting some ground rules where everybody can see them on every screen where they post comments.

    This is all in the interest of defending myself (as I was actually attacked by being called a coward) as well fostering a peaceful and smooth road ahead. I hope you are able to see that. But if not, so be it.

    • Dear “Dave”,

      Thank you for your long winded defensiveness.

      Under California state law we are not medically licensed to render medical advice, certainly not in thiese worldwide public broadcasts.

      Political opinions are trivia not interesting in the big picture, your soapbox notwithstanding.

      Those who do not care for these free radio episodes or the free podcasts are as free not to listen, as I am free to discontinue them in favor of more apreciative other venues, at any time.

      Just change the channel “Dave”.


      • Dave, Anonymous, Oh, What Does It Really Matter says

        Hey Allen,

        I hate this kind of repartee, really I do. I just am really adamant about being able to say my piece. And I get set off when people try and limit what I have to say. Yes, I got on my soapbox, but this forum kind of enabled it and even encouraged it, especially with all the great subjects being touched on!

        Just want to say I am really grateful to all of you, and I’ve actually said this many times. And it appears you know who I “really” am, so I don’t know why you keep intimating I’m not appreciative. But it’s really great what you do. I’m just not used to this kind of forum or this particular forum. Now I know.

        But don’t worry. You shan’t be hearing from me again, for which I’m sure you’re grateful 🙂 Just want to make sure you understand what you offer here has been definitely appreciated. Thanks so much.

  19. In a nutshell, Allen,
    * We are ALL entitled to privacy and there’s no way to know why one would insist on it.
    * We ALL have many things going on. We ALL have to make a living.
    * I happen to live in a country where rockets unexpectedly fall in any part of the country, and my youngest child is a soldier. So we ALL also have our own burdens as well.
    * I don’t appreciate you calling my choices cowardly. I would in that instance call you abusive.
    * Everyone has responsibility, even in a free forum, because other people are involved! Yes, we are indeed people ourselves, just like you. Go figure.
    * I did not complain about the free offering. I complained about how commenters, of which I’ve been one, are led to participate, because it directly affects me, believe it or not.

  20. And as far as complaining, if you bothered to pay attention to the entire post, I also thanked everyone and expressed gratitude. But for some reason you chose to focus on the complaining aspect and call me cowardly as well.

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