Inner Whispers – Episode 77 – 3/12/19

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world. On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.

To consult with Veronica directly, inquire at


  1. Great show guys!

    April, I’m sorry to hear about the little dog that has trauma. Sounds like she has ptsd. 🙁 I hope she gets better and I’m happy she has you. Can you tell her we said, we’re thinking about her and hang in there?


    1. If we decide to reincarnate do we loose certain traits about ourselves if we want to have a certain experience? Or, would they be put on hold just for that one experience. I fear I loosing certain traits I like about myself such as my independence, self-respect, etc.

    2. Can angels/spirit guides intervene in our dreams, if say, we are having a bad dream?



  2. Rising Phoenix says

    To April,
    Hope the rain subsides soon and that the summer is a safe one.

    To Toni,
    Glad you asked about photographs. I lost my (ex)husband of 21 years last September and, although I did everything to try to prepare myself emotionally for his eventual passing (he was very ill), everything I experienced after his passing was unforeseen, incredibly powerful. and still really painful. I have his picture in a place I see from time to time, as he was/is very significant to me, and the weirdest thing happens sometimes: sometimes I see him wink. Whether or not it’s my mind doing it, it brings me comfort, after the first moment of shock 🙂

    My understanding is that beings in the spirit plane see our thoughts (the frequency of them and, I’m assuming as well, the content of them). Does it make a difference to those beings whether we think things, say them out loud, or write them? To entities on the nonlinear plane, Is there any difference among those forms of communication?

    Thanks so much for answering my questions.

    • Happy this helped. Being a photographer I feel from time to time photos can give a comfort no matter how it happens.
      Just believe.

  3. Does all consciousness have feelings?

  4. Wilbert M. Stephenson says


    Does a corporate entitty, say a corporation, have a consciousness?

  5. If any of you want to read the Seth on line, click on my name.

    • Rising Phoenix says

      Thanks, Jerome! I ordered some of the books but have not delved into them yet (1) for fear they’re too dense and (2) I have so much else waiting for me to read. This gives it to me in a capsule and will give me teasers to get me more motivated to read the books themselves. Thanks so much 🙂

      • You’re very welcome. I too have to read the material over at least twice before it sinks in. It is very dance (as you put it.. When I get overwhelmed with negative thoughts I Out loud and very lout tell them to F— Off It works for me but you have to have a positive thought to go to.(happy place ? ) I just think of my last cruise to the Bahamas and that works. Live is good and so are we !!

        • Rising Phoenix says

          I like your suggestion. I have an affinity for cussing.. (some say it’s a sign of intelligence.. lol). Will maybe try that! Yes, and you’re so right about having what to replace it with. So true.

    • Rising Phoenix says

      And wow, what an INCREDIBLE resource! I am ever so grateful! And so is my bank account 🙂 Wow..

      • you got it just in time. They pulled my link for some reason . I tried to redo it but to no avail.

        • Rising Phoenix says

          Yeah, I noticed that! Weird.. Names don’t show now. Just some warped form of URL. Oh, well. Thanks again.

  6. Veronica,

    Is it true that Star people, like the Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows are here to raise the vibration?
    Were we all at one point Star people and forgot who we are?

    Thank you

  7. Rising Phoenix says

    Just want to express my deepest gratitude to Allen, April, VERONICA, Toni, and everyone and anyone else involved in the propagation of these podcasts. Being a latecomer, I am working my way through them, and last night I listened to ##6 and 7. One of them (I think 7) had a VERONICA message to the world about spiraling down and focusing on ONE thing that’s going right, even if “everything else” seems to be going wrong, which at this point in my life it just seems that way. We often hear these things (“pep talk” sayings like “focus on the good”, etc.), but for some reason, for some people (myself included), it’s so easy to forget them and there are just too many moments where it’s too easy to dismiss them or they simply just don’t resonate at that particular time.

    There is a profound and important message in everything VERONICA says. And I heard this particular message of VERONICA’s at the right time and in the right space. I’m also reading through all the past comments and I read one where a Stephen (or Steven) said that VERONICA saved his life. Wow.. And I totally get it. I am at a point in my life where I just find nothing to look forward to after the death of my longtime spouse and now when my body seems to be falling apart, part after part after part, due to the physical phase of my life and other things, and where my financial condition is just getting worse and worse. I just felt myself, guess it, yes, spiraling down. So VERONICA has indeed saved my life.

    The whole point is this: focus. It doesn’t matter HOW MANY positive things one has to claim into one’s focus. The point is the FREQUENCY (as in electromagnetic waves) of the focus. If one goes on the quest (a very “holy” quest sometimes, as in for the “holy grail”, the “holiness” in direct proportion to the darkness surrounding it) to find even ONE thing, be it even a memory, past experience – ANYTHING – that one would never give up, that one feels grateful for, that brings a smile to one’s heart, face, energy, one is.. well, winning.

    I recently came across something (which I’ll ask about later) about how there’s a species that thrives on human negativity. And I simply felt like they were taking me over and winning. So, VERONICA, you have saved my life. And there has been more than one occasion where I have also wanted to say that I feel so much love from and for you. And reading about how you represent more the emotional plane (as opposed to the scientific plane, which I highly value, that Seth does), a thought I’ve had is confirmed: I feel you’re the mother I should have had and am now glad to have 🙂

    Incredibly healing. And the work you all do is so important. Forever grateful. And love to all of you.

    • Rising Phoenix says

      And of course, thank you for providing this in a forum that is accessible to all. All the work you do is not for naught. I felt the need to say that as well, as there is investment of time (which translates to financial resources as well), and what you’re doing is indeed the highest form of giving.

  8. Hi April,

    I really like your interview with Filippo and Veronica (I watch it all the time on YT), can we ever get a part 2?



  9. I hope this is where I can post a question? Is it possible for a soul to overlap in birth and death? I strongly feel my mother held herself in her own arms as her great granddaughter before she died a few months later. Thank you. I’ve held this question in my mind for three years.

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