Inner Whispers – Episode 73 – 2/5/19

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world. On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.

To consult with Veronica directly, inquire at


  1. Toni-
    With the exciting background you have in living in NY, working with your Talent Agency and all that goes with it, what motivated you to shift to such a remote and quiet lifestyle like living in Maine?

    Here on the earth plane, it seems everyone longs to have a deep and comfortable relationship with another human being, i.e. marriage, couples etc. If one doesn’t accomplish it here, is it available in the non-linear?

    • Heather, Sometimes it comes to a point that life just burns you out and that was where I was. I enjoy being alone with my dogs and living in an area where it is so remote. I guess to answer your question I was just burnt out.
      Thanks for asking Toni

  2. Can you tell us why you only answer some of the questions that we ask. I have asked many that were not answered. Thank you.

    • Dear Don, please reference my earlier information on what types of what tiypes of questions make the cut.

      Best wishes,

      ~AllenFacilitator for April
      Crawford, Admin for VERONICA, and Exutive Producer for this particular show.

      • Rising Phoenix says


        Can you clarify where to find the “earlier information on what types of questions make the cut”?


      • Rising Phoenix says

        Hi Allen,

        I thought I posted this but for some reason I don’t see it. Can you point me to where I can find the “earlier information on what types of questions make the cut”?

  3. Rising Phoenix says

    Hi April,
    I meant to mention that I really loved your squirrel story last week. You seem to have an innate ability to commune on an unheard level, which is amazing. I envy you 🙂

    Hi Veronica,
    Is there such a thing as twin flames?

    • Actually, I just realized I should have listened to the new post before I asked my question again. My memory’s getting really bad.. Will update if I find the question wasn’t addressed in this new post. Thanks.

    • Rising Phoenix says

      Actually, I realized I should have listened to the new post before asking the question again (forgot I asked it again). Will ask again if it wasn’t addressed.

  4. Hi Veronica
    Regarding your answer to souls young souls and old souls
    How can souls be cast at different “times” if in the non linear there is no time. I just need a bit more clarification on this one.

  5. Gregory Rosenstock says

    Dear Veronica,

    Has the expanding universe already begun to implode, wiping out innumerable galaxies in its wake? We would not, of course, feel the effects of this for billions of years, but if we knew that the universe had already begun to end, it might enhance our awareness of the fragility and impermanence of all forms.

    With thanks and warm wishes,


  6. Toni and April, I always love your banter about the differences in the weather where you both are. In the Boston area it was 3 degrees last week (before adding in the wind chill, brrr!)…this week it’s been close to 60! Nobody is wearing coats. Heat wave! 😉

    • Thank you Heather! If you are in Boston then you know our weather. Don’t you just love our heat waves for a moment!
      Thanks Toni

  7. Veronica-
    You previously explained that when a soul selects its parents before incarnating on earth, the soul is limited to the genetic DNA of its parents for Its new body. If that’s the case, how does the soul maninfest prior injuries or markings as in birthmarks on its body from prior incarcerations?

    Thank you.

  8. Rising Phoenix says

    Okay, I’ll post a new set of questions here, so you can disregard my prior ones 🙂

    1) Your story about skunks (I think they were skunks) a week ago was so wonderful. So am I to understand you’ve always had an ability to tune into the unseen dimensions?
    2) VERONICA says they finds your frequency most akin to theirs. Can you shed light on what you do to have/keep your frequency high?

    1) I understand that coming down to the Earth plane requires those in spirit form to lower their vibrations. Have you found yourselves negatively impacted in any way by this?
    2) As you have incarnated in both male and female forms, which do you prefer? And why?
    3) What you said about the sense of touch makes me more appreciative of it. Do you want to incarnate again soon? If not, why not?
    4) Please elaborate on what you said about bending time. Would love to know more.
    5) Is there such a thing as twin flames?
    6) Do gemstones hold any inherent powers? Some say they are even angels or spirits inside some of them.
    7) You said you found April’s frequency most akin to yours. I’m assuming you’re talking about your frequency on the spirit plane, not any of the ones while you were incarnate. If that’s the case, can you please elaborate on that and how one might keep their vibrations high?

    Thank you!

  9. Shayne Cranswick says

    Good day Toni….

    I have a question for Veronica…

    When we cross over can we choose which Period to Reincarnate back into… ?

    Also – can we go back into that Period to learn or Evolve into the required Consciousness/Awareness….or does that become null and void..?

    Thank you Toni for your enlightening Show…


  10. I enjoy the silly ness!
    You’re two lovely ladies.
    Thanks for the show 💜🙏🏼

    • Thank you Kelly,

      April and I have a lot of history together so we end up cracking up laughing a lot.
      Happy you feel a part of it.

  11. Wilbert Stephenson says


    April said you “picked her” out to work with you. So, does this mean that spirit beings are always flitting around looking for “suitable” humans to work with? Am I to suppose that I am not considered “suitable” material by ANY spiritual being/energy to work with?

  12. Barbara Bishop says

    Dear Veronica,

    Is there an Angel of Death that comes to take souls to the afterlife?

    Thank you! Love. Barbara

  13. “Yes, Earth is quite troubled.” LOL Yup, as beautiful as Earth is, it’s crazy. It’s so hard to get things done here. Progression is rather slow.

  14. Toni: the ocean retains the heat of the summer longer than the earth. That’s way it’s a bit warmer near large bodies of water.

    Veronica: What perspective should we have regarding consciousness for individuals who display dementia?

    Thanks for your presence and teachings!

  15. Toni, Large bodies of water retain heat better and longer than the earth. That’s why it’s warmer near the oceans many times.

    Veronica: How should we understand consciousness in people with dementia? Are they drifting, exploring other dimensions or just where is the person that they used to be?

  16. Veronica,

    Could you speak some about the BELIEF component of addictions – like cigarettes?

    Logically I know I believe I am addicted to cigarettes and the belief is just a belief. The belief can be changed, so the outer reality changes when the belief changes. IF I can truly change that belief, can I drop the habit of smoking easily?

  17. Shayne Cranswick says

    Good day Toni

    A question for Veronica please…. Please explain Karma and how it works through our Life Periods..??
    Also…. Can we have “Karmic Relationships” with Spouses/Partners…???

    Thank you Toni and April….

  18. Veronica, after a person leaves their body, do they care if they were buried or cremated? Thanks

  19. Dear Veronica,

    1. Are there any people on the Earth plane now that you personally knew from another time?
    2. Allen spoke about you experiencing a flight through April, are there any other things you would have liked to experience that you haven’t on Earth?



  20. Kathie Ladof says

    Kat Ladof
    Through mindfulness, going within, are we able to overcome all illness ? Do we sometimes need the aid of archangels angels, and the unknown angels?

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