Inner Whispers – Episode 70 – 1/15/19

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world. On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.

To consult with Veronica directly, inquire at


  1. Susan Ann Flow says

    Hi Veronica, You’ve given a vivid, helpful description of loved ones visiting in dreams. Is it possible to communicate with incarnates as well through our dreams. Is the procedure you described the same?
    Thank you so much, what you say each week validates my understandings through Michael and Seth.

  2. France Tellier-Ling says

    Hello Veronica
    My question is, why does our soul bothers to come to earth to learn or expand. Isn’t the soul supposed to be perfect?

  3. Great show guys! Thanks for answering my question Veronica! 🙂

    April, it’s nice to hear about you and Toni’s background! Toni, I loved MJ, must have been awesome to see him live!


  4. Hi Veronica
    Thanks for all you do everything thing you say screams at my intuition. (In a good way)
    Quick question.. IAM 33 years old and have always felt like an old soul but haven’t always acted like one until recently… my question is in the course of a life time does your soulage finally catch up with you as you get older..

  5. Andrea,
    Not sure if you received the last note from me. Thanks for you interest. Yes MJ and brothers were great. He had to be eight yrs. old or 10.
    Thanks Toni

  6. Veronica,

    Are our Guides a part of our Higher Self?
    Are our Guides reside within us?

    Thank you,

  7. Have you always been a female entity ? Have you ever reincarnated on a planet other than earth ?

  8. Greetings Toni, April, and Veronica! I thoroughly enjoy listening to your radio program.


    Are animals who have died due to human cruelty able to transition to a loving and peaceful afterlife?


  9. April (and possibly Veronica),

    When you are in session and traveling, is Veronica able to join you? Is Veronica able to be in two realms at one time? If so, what does she look like?


    In the dream state, are we able to meet with those who have not departed (who are still alive)? Is this something they too have to agree with? If possible, how likely is it?

    Best Regards,


  10. Greetings Toni, April, and Veronica! I thoroughly enjoy listening to your radio program.


    Are animals who die due to human cruelty able to transition to a loving and peaceful afterlife?


  11. Hi Veronica,
    I have always felt drawn to the time period of the American Civil War, and have often wondered who I was (if I was indeed alive at that time). Taking into consideration parallel lives, would you say it’s possible for a soul to have experienced being an enslaved person, a Union soldier, a Confederate soldier, a nurse, etc. during that time frame? Or does it just not work that way.

    I’m learning so much from you. Thank you, and thanks to the whole team for sharing all of this information with the world!

  12. My question is, does the super blood moon that happened on Sunday have any physical, spiritual or body effects on us? Is this moon cycle a sign of anything important for us on planet earth or it is just an eclipse? Thank you, Veronica

  13. Hi, Veronica. I have had a lot of interesting dreams. Some predict the future. In some of them, I was having a very good time and wanted to stay there. What is the meaning of dreams? Where do they come from? Are any of them from a past life?

  14. Hi Veronica,
    I was unsuccessful posting earlier so apologies in advance if this question ends up appearing twice!

    Taking into consideration parallel lives, can a soul have several incarnations during a specific time frame?

    For example, I’ve always felt I lived during the American civil war. Is it possible to have been a solider, an abolitionist, a person who was enslaved during that time, etc? I’ve always been fascinated by Louisa May Alcott and have felt as if I may have known her (to the point that I once left a letter for her under my pillow as a child! You can imagine my bitter disappointment when she never wrote back. Ha!). But I’ve also felt as if this somehow wasn’t my only experience during this time. Until this podcast introduced me to the concept of parallel lives, it never occurred to me that maybe I could have indeed had several different experiences in America during this time. But perhaps it doesn’t work that way?

    Thank you for the knowledge you are sharing with us. You are giving me so much to think about! I love it.

  15. Hi April!

    Can you share what it feels like (sensations? Emotions ) to have you slide out of your body and Veronica in?

    Also.. if there is one thing you’d like us (the audience) to know —but you haven’t been asked yet about your channeling experiences, what would that be?

    Thank you🙏🏻

  16. Hi April!

    Is there anything we (the audience) hasn’t yet asked about that you’d LOVE to share with us about your channeling experiences?

    Please share!!


  17. Hi Veronica!

    Is Course in Miracles a truthful representation? If not, how so? And if so, how?


  18. Hi Veronica!

    Is Course in Miracles a truthful representation? If not, how so? And if so, how so?


  19. Hi Veronica, April & Toni

    Michael Newton has written many books of what we call the afterlife following his study of patients under hypnosis. According to these books, the afterlife sounds surprisingly structured but wonderful. Are these books accurate and can you advise from your perspective how it is structured?

    I would love to hear more about you travels to other time frames and to hear about the things that you have seen or participated in. Perhaps you could do this on a semi-regular basis if you don’t have any or many questions in any particular week.

    Thank you

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