Inner Whispers – Episode 66 – 12/11/18

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world.  On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.

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  1. Hi April. I’m sorry to hear about your flooding and mudslide problems. I admire you for your ability to keep on track with these broadcasts regardless. Wow.
    Hi Veronica, who did Edgar Cayce channel? Did the practice of channeling have an impact on the physical health of either Edgar Cayce or Jane Roberts? Thank you.

  2. Happy Holidays to everyone!
    Veronica, if outside the linear communication is by thought rather than speech, is this how most animals primarily communicate with each other considering how evolved they are? Is there a way we humans can exercise this ability with animals and each other in a more effective way?

  3. Lars Østring says

    Hi April! I guess you love and respect all kinds of animal,wild or domestic. As a farmer keeping sheep I’m a bit sceptical to rewilding nature, including wolves and bears. How do you look at the dilemma of saving my sheep and welcoming the wolf`?

  4. Veronica, if we are physical extensions of source energy, who is in charge of our behaviors in our earthly sojourn?

  5. Do we really have 100% control of our thoughts, or are there times when the big picture is so important that a change in our thoughts has to be induced ?

  6. Hello Veronica, Is it true that our thoughts weather positive of negative have a big affect on the collective consciousness of the planet ?


  7. Dear Veronica,
    Would you comment on the power of our thoughts. Is it true that positive and negative thoughts have a affect on the collective consciousness of the planet ?

    Tim C.

  8. I agree with the comment of “Interested” in that it is amazing that April still channels Veronica for us on a weekly basis in spite of mud slides, flooding, and CA wildfire concerns! How very kind of her. My question: please explain the spiritual attraction of living near water and listening to water for many of us. Granted that it has been a food source for many millenia but there has to be more to the equation.

  9. Wilbert Stephenson says


    You mentioned Parallel Earth. Can you give me the For Dummies version?

  10. Veronica, if we ask questions using a pendulum are we avoiding the growth of making the decisions for ourselves?

  11. Please explain the spiritual attraction to water that most humans have. I know that man has derived sustenance from the ocean and streams for many millenia but feel there is more going on than it being just a food source.

  12. Hello Veronica, there are a couple of people in my life who seem to limit their options based on premature deaths of loved ones growing up. It’s like they feel like they will succumb to a similar fate. For example, my friend Steph’s mother died of cancer when she was a teen. It was a years long battle that she witnessed… and she has said that she has always felt like she will die young so has denied herself the opportunity to experience true love and have a family of her own, because she doesn’t want to cause anyone else the kind of pain that she endured. Is there any way to encourage or support people who feel stunted or stuck in this way?

  13. Hello Veronica, there are a couple of people in my life who seem to limit their options based on premature deaths of loved ones growing up. It’s like they feel like they will succumb to a similar fate. For example, my friend Steph’s mother died of cancer when she was a teen. It was a years long battle that she witnessed… and she has said that she has always felt like she will die young so has denied herself the opportunity to experience true love and have a family of her own, because she doesn’t want to cause anyone else the kind of pain that she endured. Is there any way to encourage or support people who feel stunted or stuck in this way?

  14. Hi Veronica, many independent cultures say that the different races on earth were created separately in different places on the planet. Is this true? And did our DNA evolve over time or was there mixing with aliens who visited earth?

    Also, does or did bigfoot aka the sasquatch exist?

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