Inner Whispers – Episode 65 – 12/4/18

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world.  On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.

To consult with Veronica directly, inquire at


  1. I really enjoyed today’s show. Fabulous questions. Thank you all so much to you all for providing us all with an opportunity to speak about spiritual stuff we all are interested in. April,Veronica,Tony,Allen and who else is involved. I look forward each week to listening. I do have a couple of questions for Veronica. Do animals have guides like we do. I have a cat and was wondering if she has a guide to watch over her. Also I would be interested in hearing about other places where we can choose to go to other than planet Earth to do our evolving and growth. Dimensions as such. It was interesting hearing about parallel planets such as Mars has. Once again thank you guys.

  2. Veronica, I am wondering if a person will have abilities in the next life that they learned in this one. I have some talents that I had as a 7 year old that I did not learn here. Thank you for all of your interesting knowledge.

  3. Veronica, Do we keep things that we learned in this life in the next life? I have skills that I used when I was 7 years old that I didn’t learn in this life. Thanks for your knowledge.

  4. This site is not working.

  5. Veronica, are we able to take things with us to the next life that we learn in this life? I was able to do things when I was about 7 years old that I did not learn in this life. Thanks

  6. Hi guys thanks for this show it really feels like I have an appointment with spirit every Tuesday 😁
    Question for April…do you ever worry about anything..
    Question for Veronica.. when a soul is seeking to incarnate into a timeline do they have a choice of different pararell earth’s to choose from.

    Thanks a bunch

  7. Dear Veronica,

    When someone has hurt you, how do you stop replaying the incident over and over in your mind and move on from it.

    Thank you

  8. Veronica,

    What does Christ 2nd coming really mean?

    Thank you,

  9. Veronica, I’ve recently heard the term adjacent life. It’s supposedly different than concurrent or parallel lifetimes. What are these?

  10. Advice for a parent to support their 10 year old child that has started communicating with Angels?

  11. Dear April and Tony what do you two do for the Christmas Holiday. I live with my husband alone up in the hills and I try to plan new things to do and I was wondering what you two do because Tony said there are only 8 people where she lives and I can’t remember exactly what April said about solitude so could you both share your ideas if you do not mind.

    Thank you both, Mari

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