Inner Whispers – Episode 62 – 11/13/18

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world.  On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.

To consult with Veronica directly, inquire at


  1. I have asked questions several times. I don’t get an answer. What is going on? Is there another place to ask questions? Thanks, Don

    • Hi Don,

      In general, questions are selected based upon probability that they will be related to personal and spiritual growth, related metaphysical knowledge inquiries, relationships, have a wide interest, and of course number and quality of competing inquiries and comments.

      Best wishes,


  2. April and Toni, Maine sounds fantastic! Sounds like I need to be there. I dream of living in a beautiful place free of people. 🙂 I currently live in Philly and it’s really intense. There are people everywhere and they’re not very nice. I really miss country life and being with nature. It’s funny because I’m 31 but I’ve always had an old soul. I like peace and serenity, always have.

    Love this one.

    Thanks, April and Veronica!

    ps. I’m glad you are okay, April. I was concerned with all the fires out there in Cali. I’m glad you, Allen and your tortoises are okay.

    – Andrea

  3. Donna Valentino says

    In my religion, we have official days when we “pray for the dearly departed.” I also say prayers nightly for those I know who have passed on. It one day occurred to me that I don’t understand why we are doing this? Could you tell us if or why a person who has passed on would need our prayers? If they need them, do they know when we are praying for them?


  4. Donna Valentino says

    In my religion, we had certain days when we prayed for the “dearly departed.” Do people need our prayers who have passed on and do they know when we pray for them.


  5. April – I want to thank you for all the stories and insight on your talks with the trees and animals. I once read a book called, “Behaving as if life in all things matter” that book and your experiences made a deeper understanding of all life for me.
    Veronica – Hi, I am having a lot of friction with my daughter and her boyfriend. They are saying I am not respecting their wishes regarding my granddaughter. I admit that I have not done exactly as they asked. My question is why do I become so defensive and emotional especially with the boyfriend?
    I also want to thank you for suggesting the Messages from Michael, it is a lot of information that is fascinating.

  6. Dear all, your program becomes more interesting as it moves on. I’m very greatful to all of you who put so much time into it. The questions and responses keep my mind expanding and wanting to know more.
    Thank you very much,

  7. I enjoy your show very much! Thank You! I have a question……as humans experiencing this dense reality it seems that some have urges, feelings, and compulsions that are not accepted as a moral or socially approved behavior, yet the urges, feelings can be very powerful in the human experience….you spoke of kindness in the last episode, is it unkind for a person/soul to act out on these feelings, compulsions, when society frowns on them. Is this unkind behavior? Why do some experiences these feelings, urges, and compulsions?

  8. Dear Veronica

    You have said that we do not have to incarnate on this planet if we choose not to. What are some of our other choices and what would our form be.

    So thankful for this show and for your amazing insight!

  9. Wilbert Stephenson says


    Can I make a plan for what I will do in a future life while I am living this current life? Or will I have to wait until cross over to do this?

  10. Thank you! April, Toni and Veronica.

    You have said that there are other places to incarnate to evolve besides this Earth plain. What are some of the most common reasons for the sole to choose here, with the denseness and noise? Is one of them focus?

  11. My son committed suicide several years ago. I know when we transition we don’t feel guilt. I feel a lot of guilt here on Earth. Any suggestions on how to release guilt?

  12. Dear Veronica, I have just heard of a book called, “The Urania Book,” Is this a good book to read, is the work in the book true. I am reading the Michael books right now is this book like the Michael books?
    Thank you, Mari

  13. Hi April,
    Have you remote viewed the future?

    Thanks! 😀

  14. Hi April & Toni(y)?
    How you both are doing well.
    Question for April:
    Is remote viewing a great way for anyone to get in touch and practice their psychic muscles?


  15. Hi Tony, 😀
    I have a few questions for you:
    1. Did you ever get the lady spirit in the house crossed over?
    2. I’d like to know what your Clair’s are. I know you are aware & not afraid of the lady spirit that was in the Maine house & I know you hear your spirit guides telling you where to park.

    Thanks! ⭐️

  16. Hi Veronica

    I have a question about consciously using our energy to create magic, how long does it typically take for our desires/intentions to become reality? How does one identify if there are any blocks in our beliefs or energy which we need to address in order to bring forth our creations?

    Another question… the elementals and invisibles which share this world with us, how do we best honour and include them in our daily lives/practices?

    Thank you so much for your ongoing insights, wisdom and guidance

  17. Dear Veronica

    In your last podcast you mentioned that the world was initially created as an “Eden.” Yet many of us who reside on this plane suffer.

    On an energetic level how did we “fall”? What are the energetic reasons for all of the suffering we see and experience in the earth linear?

    My other question is: we consider our thoughts to be linear – A leads to B leads to C etc. How do your thoughts organise themselves?

  18. Good day Veronica…. I have 2 questions…. no 1… at the beginning of our existence and ongoing incarnations…do we keep the same family members …or are they added on each time we carnate…. No 2… our friends that we have for 20yrs plus in World time….have they also incarnated with us over each life time….

    Thank you for your enlightenment…..

  19. Hi Tony, April & Veronica 😊,
    Question for Veronica please:
    I’ve had the experience of speaking with someone and some great advice coming through that doesn’t feel like me. It seems smarter and wiser, which makes me think about channeling. Is the future of channeling going towards it just happing and people won’t even know we are channeling unless we tell them or they can feel the energy too?

    Thanks V. ⭐️🌈

  20. Veronica,
    Can you tell me if I am now on the spiritual path that I planned in the non-linear? Am I an old or young soul?

  21. Veronica,
    Can you tell me if I am now on the spiritual path I planned in the non-linear? Am I an old or young soul?

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