Inner Whispers – Episode 53 – 9/11/18

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world.  On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.

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  1. Hi guys great show again question for Veronica…you keep mentioning dimensional spaces..can you please tell us what they they relate to us and how we interact with them.
    Question for April is this the first lifetime you have channeled or had phychic abilities or is this a common theme in all your lives.
    Like always thank you all for this gift…

  2. Hello everyone, my question is. How to get out of sleep paralysis and it feels like something scary is in my room after I wake up from it? What is going on and how do I get myself out of it and not feel afraid after? My daughter hears me and comes in and wakes me up and after I sleep with her for a while until I am not afraid any more. A friend asked me to ask you this question.
    Thank you, Mari

    • Hi Mari,

      Symptoms of sleep paralysis remind me of the beginnings of an out of body experience: How I got my start. I suggest reading books about how to have a conscious OBE, including those by Robert Monroe and Scott Rogo. It may reduce your fear and even have you looking forward to them. If that is, if you are an adventurer.


    • Hi Mari,
      Thank you for your comment. I never heard anyone else describe what I had experienced most of my life. I also would call my daughter to help me out of that strange terrifying experience. I haven’t had an episode of this since I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and placed on a CPAP with oxygen. It forces me to breathe. After looking at it, I understood why I held my breath. This may not be true for you and I am in no way suggesting it is, however, in my household growing up, my father liked to walk around at night and come into my room. He would stare down at me and I would wake frightened. Sometimes there would be abuse and sometimes just the watching. I began to hold my breath in my sleep to stay safe. My father is long gone from this world but I find that today loud noises can still trigger the holding breath pattern. That is where the CPAP has made a big difference. I also agree with Allen that this paralysis can be the beginning of an OBE for I would leave my body when my father came around. I hope this helps. Again, I am not suggesting that you experienced any trauma. The oxygen factor is most likely something to look at.

    • Hi Mari
      I too have had sleep paralysis throughout
      My life. Also my nieces and my brother in law.
      It has been a frightening experience for
      Is all. I do hope Veronica can give us some
      Answers. Also thank you to April Veronica
      Toni and Allen. You have all transformed
      My life. Briar

  3. Hello, thanks for your great show every week !
    We keep hearing that a Vegetarian Diet is healthier than a meat eating diet. My question is what do they eat on other planets? Especially planets where the population is of a higher frequency. Are they eating their animals also ?


  4. Dear Veronica

    How do we accept the things we cannot change? I have learned so much from you and just wanted to thank you.

  5. Wonderful show as usual last week!

    Question for Veronica: Regarding the life review, held after crossing over, is there a lot of guilt that is generated? The reason that I ask is that an author writing about her Near Death Experience said that during her life review, she saw how a person felt, who sitting across from her in a work meeting, when she accidentally kicked him. After she returned to the linear, she was very careful to not accidentally touch anyone. Seems like a lot of guilt can be generated.

  6. Last week, a neighbor and her 3 year old daughter, and my husband and I watched a beautiful sunset together. The little girl asked if my husband and I created it. What an astounding question! Because the young are often in touch with things that adults are not, is there something to her question Veronica? Can we have quote-unquote control over such things as sunsets and hurricanes?

    Thank you so much for addressing our questions and making this information available!

  7. Hi Veronica,
    What is the definition of gender in the spirit world? In this reality, male and female are the two genders. I find that energetically, gender is really a spectrum between male and female and people fall somewhere on that line. Are you hinting at this when you discuss gender in other realms? On earth, I find gender is associated with reproduction also. Is that how it is in other realms? If a realm does not have its population reproduce itself to maintain the reality, is gender different?
    Thank you for all the help and insight you give.

  8. You acknowledge that some people have remembrances of parallel lives.
    Why have the people experiencing these increased markedly this century?

  9. Veronica,
    This may sound crazy?
    Could it be possible my son Brandon and I be parallel lives of me? We are so much of the same only he is the male version of me. I look at him and even told him, if I wasn’t looking at him in this moment in flesh, I would swear I came back as him. There is a connection with him that just feels “powerful” is the only word I feel I can compare to? What is your feelings on this/us?
    Thank you,
    Lisa S.

  10. Dear Veronica,
    Could you please comment on the law of attraction. Recently something traumatic happened to me and I am floundering trying to understand what I did or thought (if thoughts are indeed things), to attract this into my life. I am surviving and keeping my spirit guides close.
    Thank you

  11. Hi Veronica,

    What are the purpose of the Indigo, Crystal, etc. here on earth?

    Thank you,

  12. What are dreams? I have had dreams of people whom I know who act very differently than they do in this life. Are dreams just parallel lives?

  13. I’m confused about parallel life/lives. Do you mean if me, Maria living here on earth, has multiple of Marias living different lives. Does they look like me and same gender, different names and families?
    Does the other Marias have the same soul as me or different souls?

    Please help.
    Thank you

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