Inner Whispers – Episode 49 – 8/7/18

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world.  On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.

To consult with Veronica directly, inquire at


  1. Wilbert Stephenson says

    Question for Veronica:

    You indicated that whales and dolphins are from a place where everything is water. Are you saying that there are water planets or water worlds, where there is no land?

    • Note- 71% of Earth is covered with water.

      More notable to me is that Ocean mammals evolve and learn spiritually and are human level souls to the extent that to intentionally kill one is the equivalent of murder. ~Allen

  2. Wilbert Stephenson says

    Question for Veronica:

    Do mermaids exist? Or are stories of these being simply myths?

  3. Hi all,
    I am thoroughly fascinated with your radio show. Toni I agree that Don’s question really opened my mind to understand our thinking. Please ask more questions about that to Veronica. I was surprised you didn’t ask Veronica about the dead whales. Thank you everyone for a great show.

    • Me too Tony I wanted to know what caused the passing of the deceased whales too?

    • Joanne,
      You are right I forgot to ask about the dead whales in fact another one was found last week which makes two so far. University of New England has a marine biology department and I believe they are all over this now.
      Thanks for reminding me!

  4. Kathy McClintic says

    I am completely frustrated with your limitations on the questions. Please give all the time to Veronica, we want the wisdom of Veronica. Let the program move in a more intelligent major. Add another person to help Toni.

  5. Kat Ladof says

    I am wondering what thoughts Veronica can share about a book I have read, I REMEMBER UNION, THE STORY OF MARY MAGDELENA, told through Flo Aeveia Magdalena. Jesus did not die on the cross, as we had been taught… fascinating story! Kat Ladof

    • “Kryon” had so much to say about Jesus and his uncle, Joseph, and their activities in England. Look in the 2018 Kryon channelings that were made in Glastonbury and thereabouts, this year.

  6. Thank you for the message on Empathy and Compassion I thoroughly enjoyed that. Now may I ask for you to speak on how to change worry into Joy? I was asked by spirit to turn my worry into Joy I am not sure how to do that could you please explain the concept of Joy, please? How do I turn a troublesome problem into thinking Joyfully about it? Thank you.

  7. Hello Veronica, I heard you speak in depth about whales and dolphins. Could you speak about the Bison buffalo at Yellowstone National Park? What are they doing here? How intelligent are they? How do they like living in that park and what do they think of the people who visit them there, and anything else of interest that the Bison buffalo would like us to know about them and where do they come from in the spirit world? Any or all of these questions would be nice to know and how we should treat them,please? Thank you

  8. JUNE HAINA says

    Veronica since time is not caulated where you are, how does spirit spend their time, does one get bored I heard their are classes but does it get boring there, does one sleep or rest, Love so much how you are so aware and answer questions so beautiful so as to inform us all I thank-you, appreciate this so much

  9. Re: beached whales: Kryon has said quite a few times in the past year or so that this happens because the magnet pathways of the planet have been shifting since 2012. For example, “magnetic north” had shifted to the degree that some airport control towers have had to realign their compass settings. For the whales, as they migrate, the magnetic pathways that they usually follow sometimes take them to an inappropriate destination, one that is “off course” from their previous destinations.

  10. Tracy Todd says

    Hello Veronica – thank you for your insights and willingness to help all of us. Please allow me to ask – specifically how can I protect myself from extremely negative energy that sometimes surrounds me? It has recently turned directly towards me. I have purchased a black tourmaline stone I hold over my heart area to absorb some of this negativity. Are there other effective techniques? I’m being depleted. Thank you so very much.

  11. DonnaMarie says

    Hi Veronica
    You are a causal plain entity. Could you please talk more on what the different plains are, how many are there and does an entity only belong to one plain forever?
    Thank you

    I enjoy your talks very much.

  12. Note: Based upon my many experiences with VERONICA over the years, she does not NEED to hear someonr’sVoice to find them or read them, whether still physical or not. It may help, but VERONICA can and has read many both alive and “dead” without hearing their voice. For example, many people ask about family members or business associates that VERONICA never speaks with. In fact, just you talking about them is usually enough, although sometimes VERONICA will ask for a name. FYI-


  13. Good Morning April, Veronica and Toni,

    I would like to ask Veronica if she would be so kind to clarify if emotions and feelings are the same ”thing”?
    My background for asking this is that I heard that in some ancient teachings (I have forgotten by whom they were) it is said that we humans live in 3 separate worlds.
    The world of thought, the World of emotion and the World of feeling.
    I believed (up till now) that emotion and feeling is/ are the same ”thing” and would not live in 2 to them selves unique spaces.
    For example: when someone is feeling emotional it means they are sad. (In Ireland anyway) And sad is a feeling.

    If you April have any experience on this matter through your work doing the channelling I would like to ask you also if you can shed some insight please for me to understand if I could grasp a new awareness about feeling and emotion

    I always listen in and look forward to your show, it is my favourite one 🦋 coming inline. Usually I’m a little behind in episodes but that only means I can listen to a few together over extra tea and coffee usually on a sat. Morning.

    Thank you all for your great work of putting this Show together.

  14. Hi
    Question for April..have you in your spiritual travels gone back to when you created your blue print for this lifetime..
    Question for Veronica..can you please speak about how we can use our ego to serve our spiritual growth and also how we use our ego to hinder our spiritual growth
    Kind regards

  15. Regarding the beached whales: “Kryon” has said not long ago that this happening since 2018 because of changes in the Earth’s magnetics. The “true North” has shifted a bit. To the point, where according to Kryon, airports have had to recalibrate their runway compass headings.

    The whales follow their magnetic pathways, and sometimes end up in the “wrong” place.

    As for “water worlds” from which the whales and dolphins come from, I remember reading years ago in a book called “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” that in some cultures in Africa and in South America, there are symbols that are used even in hotel motifs of dolphins. The dolphins are revered in the local culture as very wise beings who appeared in their creation myths as teachers who “descended” here to teach and lead humanity.

    I am looking forward to learning more about this!

  16. I have a question for VERONICA: I live in a 5-cat household. Three of the cats have lived here for a long time. Following a 2-year separation from my former husband, I returned to the home where our original 3 cats still live, and brought with me 2 new cats that I had acquired during the separation. The 2 new girls are bonded girl buddies.

    These 2 cats had previously been living as indoor cats, and they brought with them their screened window box which they can enter from inside, and lie outside in the fresh air like a covered cat patio.

    At first, they used this “cat patio” as they had before. Then one of “my” cats discovered the household kitty door that actually goes outside, and has never used it again.

    My question is about the second, very shy and gentle calico girl who is afraid to go outside because the 3 older cats lie in wait to attack her when she tries to use the indoor/outdoor cat door to come back inside. She used the cat patio for a few months. But now, something has changed drastically. She will not use her observation box at all any more. Zero.

    I can see why her buddy who now goes outside has no interest in the “cat patio,” but why not Cleo, the calico girl?

  17. Question to Veronica about someone who is beloved by millions all over the world: Johnny Depp

    1. What was orginially the purpose of his soul for this incarnation?.

    2. What is it about him that he is so dearly beloved by adults and children of all genders alike?

    3. How is he feeling these days?

    4. Why did I suddenly feel so utterly compelled to care about him a little while ago?

    Thank you for asking Veronica this.

  18. Don McCasland says

    I would like to know if we are headed toward extinction or if we will survive the overpopulation and the horrible destruction we are witnessing right now to all our ecosystems. I would also like to know if a true version of democracy is to develop for us or if the corporate controlled system we have now will go on bombing third world nations and pushing empire forever.

  19. Hello Veronica, Since we are in a world of symbols how can we best use them for the good of all? Thank you, David

  20. I had brunch with Lee Carol (channel of Kryon) and his wife some years ago. Here are two interesting behind the scenes notes:

    1) Lee told me that Kryon , at least at that time, did not answer live spontaneous questions. Instead, he only accepted pre-submitted written questions that Lee chose to respond to.

    2) Lee and his wife enjoy a little Bailey’s Irish Cream with their coffee. Of course, as a good host, same was provided. (BTW, I like my coffee black, with a little regular cream on the side, although occasionally some Kahlua is incorporated after cocktail hour.)


  21. I have a question for Veronica:

    Hi Veronica, I have enjoyed your wisdom for many years. I am a hypnotherapist and I guide people into visiting their past lives and in between lives, and I find this work very fulfilling. My question for you is:

    From your perspective, what are the best ways to move people along after the death transitioning in a past life regression?

    Thank you!

  22. August 14, 2018

    Agnes says: I have a question for Veronica

    “How does one release the effects of old negative patterns of thinking, for example Anger – especially that
    which has been directed at ones self ? ”

    I feel that “staying in the now”, and meditation are helpful for current daily practice.

    It’s the “old stuff” that seems to get in the way as it is easily triggered, and keeps popping up, leading to

    further distress of both mind and body.

    thank you so much to Veronica and all

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