Inner Whispers – Episode 47 – 7/24/18

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world.  On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.

To consult with Veronica directly, inquire at


  1. When I was about 5 years old, I fell out of a swing and it came back and hit me on the back of the head. A few years ago, a psychic lady told me that when that happened that some of my spirit was knocked out. What did that cause and did it make a difference in my life?. Was it a part of the plan for my life? I thought that when she told me that, that everyone had that experience, but I found that I was wrong. Thank you for your knowledge Don

  2. Ms April bravo for your new format although I do miss Allen (he seems so cool) you and Ms Tony are doing great, Ms Veronica love the messages to the world. I am 71 and dealing with 4 grandchildren who are heroin addicted in their early 20’s I Love them dearly but have not been able to help other than they want money from me for the addiction. My question is how do I control the anger that arises within me as they embrace their addictions, nothing seems to get them to re-consider the direction they have taken. How could a person help these people? Love and Peace, Glenn

    • That is a Great question Glenn and I would like to know the answer to that too? My grandchildren are not addicted to heroin but other things just as detrimental to them. I don”t give them money anymore I just ask them what are they going to do with their life now? Some insight on this question would be very helpful as a grandparent sometimes I do not know where to draw the line. Recently I am just giving them advice if they ask me for it.
      Thank you, Mari

  3. Dear April or Veronica

    When I meditate,I often see colors – usually purple, orange and yellowish gold. What does that mean.?
    Thank you so much.

    • I see colors too, usually waves of purple and red for awhile and then it suddenly stops. Have always wondered what that was or what it meant.

  4. Anonymous says

    Excellent! Thanks for answering my question, April! 🙂

  5. Hi Veronica,

    When I meditate I see a small pulsating magenta colored light. Wondering if I should focus more on this light. Is this my higher self?


  6. Veronica, you have mentioned that we have other choices when it comes to reincarnating. This earth plane is very dense and many times very difficult. Are the other places to reincarnate to, less dense and difficult? Can you name a few?

  7. Roslyn Burton says

    I love this show and I find it very helpful.
    I do have a question about how you create your own reality. I have a friend who was sexually abused from the age of 5. Was this part of her learning? did she agree to go through this experience perhaps to learn from being helpless and out of control? Or can others really interfere with your development because of their own needs and desires. She too is a trance medium but has withdrawn from her guide for a while. She has had counselling and is now in a better place and is re-engaging with her guide. I would really like to understand this.
    Thank you
    Roz from London

  8. Sunny Hawk says

    Dear Veronica,
    I was thinking about the concept of justice. On the earthly plane to receive justice is an important event. People look to see if help is justified before it is given. Those who commit crimes are tried in court to receive justice. But what is really justice and is there a need for justice in the spirit realms? Growing up Catholic, justice for a miserable existence was supposed to be a good life in heaven. I never really understood that belief except as a pacifier to the hurts being done on earth. How can we as people incarnated learn what justice is when there really is no justice on earth. No revenge on another can give back what was taken. If we are to learn that all are one how does this play out with the concept of justice? Do we equate Justice with Revenge? Is Justice the scales balanced? I have had many hurtful experiences and found that anger and thoughts of revenge never healed the hurts. Forgiveness was the only thing that has made me feel better. With that said I still sometimes get caught up in the lack of justice in my life and it puzzles me.
    Thank you,

  9. Please tell us more about dolphins and whales. Are they in communication with beings from other planets? What’s their purpose for being here on earth? Do they also have access to inner earth?

  10. If the perception of time is only experienced in the linear and is not relevant beyond that, how can we on the earth plane use our idea of time more productively?

  11. Glenn Bergeron says

    If all is happening within the NOW – past, present and future probabilities and time is only observed and experienced in our linear reality, do other civilizations in the universe experience time observation such as we do on earth or given the many different life forms available thru out Is the answer some do, some don’t depending on the environment they are in or is it just observed on this earth plane. Thanks, Glenn

  12. Dear Veronica,
    Question for you: In earlier radio shows, you have stated that animals such as dogs and cats are “way more evolved” than humans. Will we (humans) ever reincarnate as a animals once we have evolved more, or do we follow a different path and move on to other realms as we evolve?

    What brought this question up: My husband and I rescued a stray cat 9 years ago and he certainly seems like a very accomplished Zen master.

    Veronica, April, Toni, Allen, Jason – thank you so much for your excellent work and dedication to our continued education.

  13. Dear APRIL,

    You began the last podcast by saying “I think there’s something to this climate change thing”.

    Why wouldn’t you ask VERONICA what she has to say about that? Many people think that the climate of the Earth is getting hotter, but others do not. Of the people who think the climate IS getting hotter, some believe that humans are the major cause of this change, but others believe that the Earth has gone through a natural cycle of heating and cooling periods over thousands of years, and human beings have little influence on these changes.

    So APRIL, why wouldn’t you ask VERONICA for her feedback on this issue. I’m sure ALL of your listeners would be interested in her answer. If you would purposely choose NOT to ask VERONICA this question, why would this type of question be “inappropriate”?

    Thank you for your podcasts! I have listened to every single one one them!

    Richard Scheinberg, LCSW, BCD

  14. Donna Valentino says

    Veronica strongly emphasized that meditation should be a” daily” experience. Could she expand on the value of meditation and what we are experiencing physically and spiritually when participating. Are the benefits lost when we only do it once in a while?

  15. Can Veronica Please speak about the human ego …the positive side and the negative side of the coin so to speak…
    Thanks so much for this show really are a breath of fresh air

  16. Veronica,

    You spoke about being able to create art in the non-linear, I was wondering, what kind of art do you enjoy? Or what kind of music do you like?

  17. I have a brother who was sexually abused and saw sexual abuse as a child. He also sustained a closed head injury at about 12 yrs of age. He was always challenged intellectually as a child. As a result he hung around with younger kids. When he hit puberty instead of acting out his urges with a female his own age he experiment with touching younger girls and his compulsion was strong. As an adult 20+ years later one of his “victims” talked about it in a therapy session. That led to him getting arrested and spending 10+ years in prison. He was lumped in with your typical violent sex offender and it was very traumatic for him. Hew served out because no one wanted to give parole. Now that he is out and has not and will not ever “offend” again he is terribly persecuted by family, church and neighbors.
    My question is why is this happening and why am I and my children the only people who will give him the time of day. I’m not saying what he did was not wrong. I just don’t understand how a person who has suffered so much continues to have to suffer. He is very lonely and doesn’t have much to live for.

  18. April and Tony, the shows are so wonderful and you make a great team. Thank you for bringing
    So much spiritual awareness and knowledge to the audience. And of course thank you Veronica
    For coming to us through this format. It feels warm and family like. And fun.

    Question for April: since you have begun channeling , what is the most surprising or unexpected
    Information or experience you have learned or have had. One that really changed your u derstanding of
    Our existence.

    Question for Veronica: we are fascinated with exclipses, lunar and solar . Are we feeling eenergy shifts in our molecular structure, in all of the layers of our bodies and /or is there another reason? As always, love and gratitude.

  19. Wilbert Stephenson says

    Episode 47 (numerological 11) is the most important one I have participated in so far. Many of my unasked questions were answered and many hazy concepts clarified.
    Question for Veronica:
    1. I have been listening to you for many years; however, it has been only in the last few years that felt “comfortable” with your messages. Why is this? Have you changed or have?
    2. Why is it important for us to focus on the “now moment”? Does this have to do with the fact that there is no time?
    3. Is it possible for us to change “the past”? And how does this affect “the present”?

  20. Carey Belcher says

    Hello Veronica. My sister-in-law is in a coma after a mountain biking accident. Many times before the accident she told my brother, and others, that she didn’t want to be a vegetable or kept alive on live support, and so he has made the decision to withdraw life support. It’s been 10 days since she had food or water. Why is she lingering? Are we holding her here with our grief? Was this truly an accident or did some part of her know this was coming, or even plan for it? She fell in love with mountain biking immediately and three weeks later it gave her a traumatic brain injury she never woke up from. Was this part of her life plan? Should we have given her more time than 4 weeks to come back from the coma? What is her experience like? Is there a bigger purpose? If she had changed her mind, and wanted to stay, could she have let us know? I had dreams of her standing up from her hospital bed, and of her opening her left eye that wouldn’t open. I believed them, but it hasn’t happened. Were my dreams just wishful thinking? I was positive she would wake up, and she hasn’t. I’m doubting my own “knowing.”

    • Marjorie Sales says

      Carey, I am in the medical field and I just want to say that your concerns and fears are normal at this stage, but please understand that the death process is just that – a process, and it can take many days for the process to come to an end. Understand that your sister, during this time of “lingering” for days without food or fluids is a time of unifying her spiritual energy for her transition. The physical body at this time does not need nourishment. Your love and support are providing her with the energy she needs right now.
      God Bless

  21. Veronica,

    Your messages are so encouraging! Just getting quiet is a challenge for me, but so rewarding.

    Question – I appreciate your message about how important it is to listen in a conversation. Can you speak more about the importance of dialogue, and the art of listening with our hearts? And also. how this kind of dialogue helps to change the density of the emotional atmosphere?

    Many thanks to you!

  22. You spoke on Pride last week which I really enjoyed. Thank you. Could you please speak on the importance of empathy and compassion and a way for us all to create them in our lives, please.

    Thank you, Mari

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