Inner Whispers – Episode 38 – 5/22/18

As always, VERONICA speaks on a number of subjects, plus her message to you and the world.  On this show specifically there were a number of questions from the comments that Veronica addressed.

To consult with Veronica directly, inquire at 


  1. Stellyboots says

    Dear Veronica,

    Is there any way for the me in the linear to connect with the me in the eternal while I am making my life review and get advice about making the best decisions and choices for myself? What would be a good way of practicing this type of meditation or starting this type of relationship?

  2. Hi!

    Questions for Veronica: Were aliens involved in building the Egyptian pyramids? What techniques/tools were used to construct them?

  3. Beth A Warford says


    Questions for Veronica:

    My understanding is that thought and manifestation is instantaneous on the “other side.” How do we close that gap in the linear so manifestation happens closer to the thought itself?

    Did Jesus actually walk on water or was that just a parable?
    Was Jesus a reiki master?

    Question for April:

    When Veronica is taking over your physical body and you travel on the other side, can you and have you ever traveled to the future?

  4. Beth Baker says

    Hello again…

    Questions for Veronica:

    Years ago my L4-L5 disk was herniated and was requiring emergency surgery due to pain and numbness. The day before the scheduled surgery I was in extreme pain and had massive back spasms that pushed the disk back into place (according to before and after MRI films).

    Was that back injury manifested from a lifelong fear of that happening and then my solid refusal to accept it OR just an independent medical anomaly?

    Questions for April:

    People talk about lucid dreaming and astral travel. How is your journey on the other side similar or different to that when Veronica is occupying your body?

    Thanks for all your amazing work!



  5. Tiffiny Brooks says

    Hey Veronica…

    I have a couple questions:

    My son Owen seems to be a very different child in comparison to others his age. What is the life purpose in this lifetime or what did he hope to achieve specifically?

    And for April:

    Have you ever had difficulty in letting Veronica in/blending with you?

  6. Tiffiny Brooks says

    Hi Again!

    More questions for Veronica:

    What are some of the best healing vortexes in the US?

    People are very drawn to Stonehenge and Machu Picchu. What significant happened, if anything, to warrant such curiosity and loyalty?


  7. Questions for Veronica:

    Does organic food in and of itself affect one’s physical body and/or /vibration; or is it merely one’s belief about it that is causing the desired effect?

    I’ve heard people gain weight subconsciously to create a vibratory barrier to others. Is that true or even possible? If so, how does that work?

  8. Hi guys great show again.
    feel free to go into detail with this one.

  9. When an animal hurts a human were they merely bringing an experience that the human agreed to for the human’s growth process or is the animal reacting and learning for their own evolution?

  10. Thank you for the precursor to discussion on dementia.

    My husband has Alzheimer’s and is in a care facility with many other dementia patients. They are all unique, wonderful individuals. It was good to know that, even if they can’t respond or only respond minimally, they still receive the love.

    My question is: Was my husband’s Alzheimer’s part of the plan for his life when he incarnated? Did we agree together to undertake this journey together?

    Thank you for tackling this tough subject.

  11. Question for Veronica.

    How do you see? Are you able to see forms unique to your sight and independence? Are you able to see color?
    In an earlier episode you had stated you sat with April and determined she was of the right vibration
    to channel with. How did you come to discover April and how do you move through the other side? I’m trying to understand.
    Thank you for your insights

  12. Dear Toni, April and Veronica,

    The current episode ended with a lot of information about dementia. Veronica stated that, as a degenerative condition. there are many causes of dementia and there is no “standard” answer. Then she stated that more information would be presented at a later time.

    I see from this Comment section each week that a lot of people are asking questions about Alzheimer’s disease and other degenerative conditions as well.

    Since it seems, from listening to all of your 38 broadcasts over the past year, that no more the one question in a podcast is related to physical health on the linear plane, I would love to hear more about diseases that are not degenerative and have less “obvious” origins.

    Autism is a condition that manifests in children at a very early age, and it has become an alarming national epidemic in recent years. The latest analysis from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1 in 68 children have Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and it anticipated that the rate will get much worse in the years to come.

    I’m sorry for being persistent about this issue, because this is the 3rd time that I have posted this question in the Comments section, but I everyday I work with children and families that are suffering terribly (for whole lifetimes) due to this condition. I’m sure that a lot of listeners of your podcast who would love to know more from Veronica about her unique insights on this subject.

    There are many theories about specific CAUSES of autism. Can Veronica offer any insight into whether she agrees with ANY of the theories that have been postulated over the years so that young couples may be able to have a little less FEAR to have children who will develop this condition? I don’t see how this “opinion” may cause any legal difficulty for April on the linear plane, since there are lots of “opinions” about autism expressed in every form of media.

    If Veronica cannot provide ANY insight on this topic during the podcast, is she able to answer this question specifically during a private session? Again, I’m sure you have a lot of listeners who would be very grateful to be able to obtain this information.

    Your help would be greatly appreciated!!!

    Thank you very much,
    Richard Scheinberg, LCSW, BCD, CHt.

  13. Hello all, Thank you for the message on dementia and Alzheimer’s, now I know how to help my parents, very, very grateful for this message. It also made me sad to think of them going through this but I will love them and take good care of them as long as they need me too. Now, that I know they do hear me and they know me and they are most likely frightened, I will love them more and more.

    Thank you very much, Mari

  14. What’s the fastest way to evolve ? Why do we evolve ? To ward off the boredom ?

  15. Thanks April for your time and dedication to allow Veronica to enlighten us.

    Hi Veronica.
    1. Can you explain how souls are created ?
    2. How are highly evolved beings created that create planets and universes ?
    3. How was the human form created, was it created with the help of highly evolved non physical beings and other planetary support.
    4. “You create your own reality” is a well known statement. Please explain why and how so many innocent victims of the Holocaust and other genocides create these chaotic events on such a grand scale.

    Thank you

  16. NajdaMaria says

    Dear Veronica, I ask this from a place filled with emotion. I am Jewish, my connection with my heritage feels deeply old. However this connection includes Jesus who we know was Jewish as well as his mother & Mary Magdalene. Can you share the truth of these paths & their intersection. I have heard that Mohammed was a reincarnation of Moses. Is this true? Does the land of Israel in truth belong to all 3 religions & should Jerusalem be the holy city for all ? What can I do to help alleviate the Palestinians suffering & bring an understanding that no one group is chosen above another? & also help the Jewish fear of annihilation. What does healing for all in the Middle East look like? I’m leaving out what I’m wanting to express in hopes you can fill in the gaps.
    With deep gratitude,

  17. Thank you, April and Veronica, for the important and life-changing work you’re doing here and now. I have a question about what is available to us after this life ends.

    If we decide not to reincarnate into a physical human body again, can you please give a few examples of what our souls might choose to do instead and describe what that ‘looks’ like?

    Thank you again, so very much, for the invaluable knowledge you impart each week. I am forever indebted.

  18. Juliette says

    Hi there,
    my question for Veronica would be:
    Could I, as currently being a human, decide to incarnate as an animal, for instance as an eagle, in my next lifetime on Earth? Would that work?
    Many blessings,

  19. Hi Veronica…. I would like to hear more on ‘death’ please…
    Thank you

  20. Hello, question for Veronica,

    Could you please shed light on karma. Is there a universal law of cause and effect so that we will have to face our actions at some point? I understand there is no “god” or such to judge us, but is there this law of cause and effect?

    PS. What happened to Allen? Miss his dry humour 🙂

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